Still from the feature documentary White Sands.

White Sands

Written and Directed by Nauzanin Knight

Produced by Coty Savard

White Sands explores the extent to which white supremacy as it lives and breathes in our world today, in all its facets, can be traced back to the first Black slave society established in 1636 in Barbados by the British Empire. It is difficult to imagine that beautiful Barbados was the place of the first Black slave society and that it is the country most violently colonized by British ruling elites. These elites made fortunes from sugar produced by an enslaved workforce that directly contributed to Britain’s rise as an imperial superpower. The idea of Barbados as a successful model slave society resonated in Britain, the United States, and the wider Atlantic world. The model was so successful, in fact, that the laws and social practices of that society were exported to other British Colonies, including the Carolinas. This leads some researchers to argue that the rule of white supremacy as we know it today was cultivated in and exported from Barbados.”