Liz Cowie


Born and raised in Halifax, Liz Cowie moved to Toronto for several years to pursue a career in photography. She later relocated to New York, where she went on to work with Vice Media for over 15 years, collaborating closely with founders Suroosh Alvi and Shane Smith, along with director Spike Jonze and director of photography Lance Bangs (Jackass, Portlandia), as well as a great number of on-and-off-camera talents. Throughout her time at Vice, Liz oversaw production on various television and digital documentary series, music videos, advertising campaigns, commercials and larger feature-length projects. She also helped create and produce short-form and feature-length segments for the series VICE on HBO and the nightly HBO series VICE News Tonight.

In her last role at VICE TV before joining the NFB, Liz was Senior Manager of Development & Alternative Programming. She developed and oversaw a variety of original series for the network, such as The Devil You Know, Betraying the Badge, Devoured and the Emmy-nominated Fringe Nation, which she and fellow Canadian Ben Makuch created and produced together.

Projects in release / Coming soon

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Projects in development

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