Jelena Popović
An animation producer at the NFB since 2014, Jelena Popović forged her skills as a production manager and associate producer on linear, interactive, hybrid documentaries. and animation films. She directed and co-wrote the documentary The Knights of Orlando (2007). Recent studio productions include Sheldon Cohen’s My Heart Attack, Manivald, by Chintis Lundgren (co-produced with Estonia and Croatia), and the Naked Island online series of wryly dark “public service alerts”. Jelena works with many Hothouse alums, including Alex Boya (Turbine), David Barlow-Krelina (Caterpillarplasty), Eva Cvijanović (Hedgehog’s Home, co-produced with Croatia’s Bonobostudio) and Frances Adair McKenzie (the VR The Orchid and the Bee).